Archive | Sleepy words

A good night sleep message…

Tonight I want you to know it is possible to be your own best friend.  In fact, I think everyone should be their own super best friend.

And how do you treat your best friend?  You are kind.  You are honest.  You let them go first.  You make sure they get what they need.

Do the same things for yourself.

Be your own super best friend.

When you talk to yourself—say something nice.

Make sure your get what you need:  Good sleep, healthy food, deep breaths.

And if you find a time when all your human friends let you down—it does happen—you already know your super best friend lives in your own body and in your own head.

Your super best friend is always ready to play.

You and your super best friend can count the stars, create a song, or bask in the sunlight.

There is super joy in being your own super best friend.

Now.  Deep breath.

Close your eyes.

Be still and quiet and you will go to sleep.



You are You

Sweet words to send them to sleep.  I read from my ipad while the lights are off.  My husband likes to use his phone.


I love this Dr. Seuss rhyme; “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

That is so great! No one alive is you-er than you. You are the best you in this whole wide world.

Keep that thought in the front of your mind. You are the best you in this whole wide world.

Sometimes the world will tell you you’re not good enough. In fact, Dr. Seuss was told that his books were “too different” and that no one would buy them. Different can be awesome, and popular. Now it seems most every child, and adult, has a favorite Dr. Seuss book.

The world was ready for different and ready for Dr. Seuss. I think the world is ready for you.

No one is you-er than you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you. Be true to you. Even if you are a little different. Different makes you you-er. And I love you.

Now, let’s get some sweet sleep. So you can be your best you.

Deep breath.

Close your eyes.

Be still and quiet and you will go to sleep.


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