With homework and practices we don’t watch a ton of tv but when we do these are our favorites:
Phineas and Ferb Adventuresome boys are what I have growing in my house. So they love the antics of Phineas and Ferb and their eclectic sidekicks. I love the eclectic sidekicks. I love how Phineas and Ferb treat their friends with respect and kindness.
I love the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend Candace and Jeremy. Jeremy is the kind of boyfriend I hope my boys will be when they are teenagers; laid back, understanding and appreciative of his quirky girlfriend.
I feel lucky that the boys like it so much because it is definitely a show I enjoy as well.
We watch it on Netflix since we are a (recently) non cable family.
Mighty Ships, and Might Planes
More Mighty Ships, Please! These 45 minute shows just draw my boys in. There is so much to learn about life on the water. The boys have their favorites. We have watched HDMS Absalon many times. There are guns, helicopters, fires, emergencies– they love it!
Mighty Ships and Mighty Planes are both on the Smithsonian Channel. When we had cable we would DVR the episodes so we had several available to watch. Now that we are cable (bill) free! we watch on the Smithsonian Channel through our Roku streaming player. So far it seems that there are only two episodes available to see at any one time, and they change occasionally. Still, we watch in awe at the jobs these huge ships and planes do. Incredible interesting and especially enthralling for boys.
Yes it’s animated and yes, this is propabley not going to be on the request list for much longer. My nine-year old protests when the younger ones want to watch but then he laughs the loudest. That’s what I like so much about Peep and the Big Wide World is that my boys laugh out loud! Peep and Chirp and Quack manage to get themselves into some interesting situations that are fun to discuss at the dinner table. And then laugh about again!
We watch Peep on You Tube and Netflix.
Wild Kratts
Part animated, part human, The Kratt Brothers always teach us something about animals. On PBS Kids which we get through our Roku. It’s nice because you get to choose from every episode.