Archive | Thoughts

More of what I want my kids to know…


Tonight I want you to know that there is an abundance of good in this world.

Fill your mind with the thought that there is enough for everyone and there will be.

There is enough for you and enough for me.

Our thoughts make us who we are and we know that there is more than enough. An abundance. A large amount.  A magnificent supply.

We can think in terms or scarcity or abundance.  It is for you to decide.  But living with the rhythm of abundance attracts abundance.

There is enough for you enough for me.

You do have lots of friends.  You have copious amounts of toys.  You are loved beyond the beyond by many great and generous people.  You have access to ideas and thoughts and your own incredible imagination.

You have an abundant life.

Keep that feeling of abundance in your heart and in your mind.

Nurture it and guard it.  It will create for you a life of abundance.  A life of great and wonderful.

Now get an abundance of good sleep and I will see you in the morning.

Deep breath.

Close your eyes.

Be still and quiet.

And you will go to sleep.


I do this geeky thing at night where I read an essay to my children, from my Kindle, with the lights out.  Some days I feel like I take care of their physical needs, but I go to bed wondering if I have fed their soul? 

If you want to feed some souls I created an ebook called, A Life of Great and Wonderful.  You can get your copy by clicking on the graphic at the right.  You will need to download the Gumroad app and then the essays will be available on the desktop of your ipad, Kindle, nook, phone or your device of choice. 

I don’t know if my messages are sinking in to my three hardheaded sweeties, but reading the messages makes me feel better.  And there is lots of room for me to be a better mommy!  Sleep well.  Everyone.  Sleep well.


Simple has my heart…

The clutter is getting to me.   The trees I love to look at this year are the simplest, greenest, most restful trees.


I think my word for 2017 is going to be lighten.  As in lighten my load, get rid of things, lessen my worries (or at least worry less), lose a few pounds, and not be so serious, lighten up.

Just like these trees.

tree-with-pics corner-tree

And my very favorite.


Here’s to a calm– and bright– holiday with clear channel markers and sturdy docks.




Cast out crankiness!

Now that school is in full swing I can tell we need more sleep.  Those lazy days of summer were awesome.  But now it’s time to get back to work.  And getting back to work, and soccer, and scouts feels good.  We just need more sleep and less cranky.

So I am reminding my boys as they fall asleep:

My dear sweet children.  I want you to have a life that is great and wonderful.

And, as simple as it seems, one way to feel wonderful is to get enough sleep.

It is so easy to stay up late to finish watching a movie, or to keep reading your book, or to play just one more computer game.  But giving up sleep can make the next day more difficult to navigate.  Too little sleep dulls your thoughts and steals your joy.

Be sure to get enough sleep.

Snuggle in to a comfortable spot.  Do something soothing to calm you down and help you to rest. Have a cup of water by your bed. Get the room dark and keep it cool.  Then slumber with a content heart.

Good, solid sleep can help you be a clearer thinker. 

Good, solid sleep can keep you safe. 

Good, solid sleep can level out your mood, so you’re less cranky.  And we all know how we feel about cranky people. 

Cranky people feel yucky being cranky.

And the rest of us feel yucky around all that crankiness.

Get some sleep and cast out crankiness!

Set yourself up for a great and wonderful day by protecting your sleep.

Be sure to get enough sleep.

Now, deep breath.

Close your eyes.

Be still and quiet and you will go to sleep.




The Mysterious Benedict Society

Favorite Book Friday 2 We just finished the very long but very captivating, The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart.  And we all listened to it together, which was so fun.  We could discuss what we thought about what was going on in the story, what we thought might happen, and the every popular, this is what I would do in that situation discussion.

We took the old school route and listed to it on CD, mostly in the car.  I picked it up at the library, my very favorite source for books!

Benedict cover

It took a couple of road trips and some errand running around town days to complete but it was so worth it!  The total playing time was 13 hours and 17 minutes.

Benedict cds

Listening in the car was our favorite way to hear the story.  We tried listening at night before bed but its so hard to find a stopping point.  I mean why not listen all night?

We tried listening in the family room sprawled out on the sofa or the floor but too many other things could distract us, like new library books, a strange cat in the yard, that kind of thing.

In the car we had to stop when we arrived at the museum or the pool or the grocery store.  It’s hard to argue with, we’re here!

This fascinating story has been one of the highlights of our summer.

We have our longest road trip of the summer coming up next week.  I just hope we can find a new book to enjoy as much.

Happy summer and happy reading!


Beyond the Beyond (Another Kooky Poem)

beyond the beyond

I love you in the ordinary and in the over the top

I love you all my moments I just can’t stop

I love you in the clouds and under the table

I love you smelling good and all the pictures that you doodle

I love you with stinky feet and way beyond the horizon

I love you greasy shirted and more than anything I lay my eyes on

I love you happy, I love you sad, I love you sleepy and I love you mad.

I love you beyond the beyond and even further than that

But mostly I love it when I am here with you in our cozy habitat.


Be Your Awesome Self

boat driver

(A poem and a reminder to my wild, loud, blustery boys.)

Be your awesome self and let the real you shine through

Be your awesome self and to thine self be true.

You’re a great kid.

You’re amazing and kind.

I think that in this life you will find

That though some things are hard and can make you feel sad

The world deep down is good and for that I’m so glad.

Be your awesome self, be happy and free.

Be your awesome self, you’re the only one you see.

So live your life in a way that fits you.

Be daring, be bold, in all you pursue.



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